Montréal, le 30 juin 2021 — L’Ordre souhaite attirer l’attention de ses membres et aussi du public sur deux avis récemment émis par Philips Respironics, concernant certains modèles de CPAP/BiPAP et de respirateurs mécaniques, en raison de risques potentiels pour la santé des patient(e)s. Le rappel/avis de sécurité du fabricant Philips conseille de prendre les mesures suivantes* : Pour les personnes utilisant les modèles de CPAP/BiPAP concernés par le rappel : cessez l’utilisation et consultez un médecin pour déterminer les bienfaits et les risques de la poursuite du traitement. Cela étant, reprenant un avis de l’American Thoracic Society (ATS), l’Association des pneumologues de la province...
URGENT: Medical Device Recall Philips Respironics CPAP and Bi-Level PAP Devices
URGENT : Rappel de dispositif médical Philips Respironics Appareils de ventilation à pression positive continue (CPAP) et de ventilation à deux niveaux de pression positive (BiPAP)
Philips Respironics
Appareils de ventilation à pression positive continue (CPAP) et de ventilation à deux niveaux de pression positive (BiPAP)
Sleep and Depression
Sleep disruption is a very common finding in patients with psychiatric difficulties. A large community study found that a much higher proportion of people with insomnia or hypersomnia (sleeping more than usual) have a major psychiatric illness when compared to people who do not have these sleep complaints. Furthermore, when someone has insomnia early in life he or she is more likely to develop depression in later life. Over 70% of patients who are acutely ill with a psychiatric condition have insomnia and unfortunately the sleep disruption may not improve even when the illness is in remission. Do psychiatric disorders...
Living with Sleep Apnea
Ways you can be your healthiest and improve your sleep apnea You have no control over the shape of your face, or the size of your jaw or airway, but there are things that you can control that might help your sleep apnea. You can control: Your diet and weight How much you exercise What medications you take How you use alcohol and caffeine Whether you smoke Changing your diet and weight to improve sleep apnea symptoms Many people with sleep apnea are overweight. If you lose weight, your sleep apnea symptoms may improve. Some people find it easier to...