of patients recently surveyed stated they would recommend Sleep Apnea Solutions to a friend or family member.

Mission Statement
Our Goal Is To Develop A Partnership With Our Patients To Maintain Their Health And Prevent Medical Problems Through Safe And Restful Sleep.
Our Values: Customer Service, Reliability, Honesty, Commitment to Satisfaction and Consistency
Home Sleep Study
- Patients are tested within the comfort of their own home.
- Results are analyzed following AASM guidelines and are interpreted by local Respirologists
- Quick turnaround times from diagnostics to read patient results with a specialist.

CPAP Therapy
- SAS is an authorized distributor of different brands of therapy devices.
- Diligent CPAP therapy follow up schedule to ensure long-term therapy compliance
- Easy access to our highly trained staff of Registered Respiratory Therapists

What is sleep apnea
Learn more about understanding Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).
Take the Epworth Sleep Test!
Do you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea? Take this simple online test.
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